_ Project based learning

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The PBL4CLIL Erasmus partnership

The PBL4CLIL Erasmus partnership has developed educational materials based on the PBL (Project Based Learning) methodology to take the focus away from theoretical learning where knowledge is passed on through rote memorisation and hence easily forgotten.

In this approach, students work in groups departing from what they already know to identify the sources of new information that can help them solve the problem they are faced with. This shift away from traditional learning demands not only a new role for the teacher as instructor and facilitator of learning but also quality materials with clear guidelines for learners and teachers.

The main objective was to create and experience materials to provide content for two hours a week in Primary where children are expected to work on projects in the areas of Language, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and English, encouraging critical thinking, teamwork and the development of creativity. The material can be used as part of the curriculum as a complement for the basic subjects mentioned. As a cross curricular element, ICT was used widely and the final products were created within the PBL (Project Based Learning) methodology.

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PBL by ages

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